miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


My favorite book is twilight , this is the first of the series with the same name; I was impressed to know the succes that it had have in the world; I see it was top seller during months in Panamericana so this book compounds the 70% at he juvenile literature in Germany. The magazine "Hojas Universitarias" of Central University give us this percentage and tell us about why this book are so popular in its items "Que leen los jovenes" and "No un adulto todavia, pero tampoco un niño".

In this items the magazine shows the relationship between the young people and the fantasy; it can lead where everything is possible, and the need to identify with their heroes for find solution to their problems too.

But I think tis books have been received by their diferences with their part cinematographic.

If you see Twilight movie, you see it is how a soppy,and the director puts it a little of action for don`t bore to the spectators.

The book has many feeling meeting and a descrption detailed of every one, so this book is marrated in first person by Isabella Swan